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Growing a Victory Garden—WWII Seed Varieties You Can Grow Today

Seeds and Plants have disappeared. And they have been for years. I bought myself some seed catalogs from the years of WWII to see what kinds of things they were growing in their Victory Gardens. Some things looked familiar like Danvers carrots. Others were a mystery! Like the below picture for “Chicken Lettuce”. This was a poultry crop meant to be grazed by chickens. I have yet to locate any actual seeds. Sadly, this original packet didn’t come with any either.

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Welcome to History Preserved!

I’m Sarah. Wife, mom of 3, historian, podcaster, author, baker, chicken wrangler, and aspiring gardener/homesteader.

This is a place where History and Homesteading intersect.

Sarah in 1940s dress under a tent outside

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Organize Using Simple Vintage Glass Refrigerator Dishes

I love organizing, but I’m not necessarily good at it. I think a lot of people must be like me, because it’s reflected in American stores everywhere I go. Lots of different organization products and systems abound. There are some great ideas out there. But many of them are expensive and most of them are made out of plastic. That’s never really appealed much to me. Enter: vintage glass refrigerator dishes.

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5 Seasonal Winter Menus Inspired by the 1940s

I like the idea of seasonal cooking. Using produce, meats, even dairy and eggs in season as it was available is something our great-grandparents were familiar with. Once grocery store chains, refrigeration, and global shipping became more common, the idea of seasonal eating faded mostly into memory. I think it’s fun to look through old cookbooks that had seasonal menus in mind, like the cookbook pictured above.

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Victory Kitchen Podcast

Victory Kitchen is an exploration of food rationing in wartime America. Join me – author, historian, and vintage foodie – as I delve into World War II cookbooks, recipes and menu plans to discover how our grandmas got their food to fight for victory!

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Victory Kitchen Podcast

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