When I realized my new blog was heading in the wrong direction, I looked to the past for some much-needed inspiration…
This blog hasn’t been here long, but I’ve been blogging for 10 years over at HISTORY: Preserved. It was a fun place to share my love of American history, vintage recipes, and history museums. I started my podcast Victory Kitchen in 2020, but after awhile I wanted somewhere I could share more about the ration recipes and things I’ve learned from studying wartime homemaking. Thus the beginning of this blog, American Victory Kitchen in 2022.
After awhile, though, I kept getting that inner nudge that I was painting myself into a corner. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to write about. I have whole lists of topics I can write about! The problem is, is that I love history, and I didn’t just want to talk about wartime topics all the time. I knew it would feel stagnant to me after awhile. There are so many amazing things to talk about and learn from all throughout American history. And of course I definitely still want to include WWII food rationing!
My languishing, but much beloved blog HISTORY: Preserved needed to come back, but in a new home with its own dedicated website where it has more room to grow. I’m very excited with this new direction. Well, it’s not exactly new – it’s more like I’ve rediscovered a well-trodden path that’s grown over with some weeds and wildflowers.
I’ll be gradually migrating some of my favorite posts and series over here with some updates. But for the most part, my old blog will live on as an archive of my past blogging journey. It’s a good sign that it’s a place I continuously turn to for inspiration and to reference old posts. When I made this change, I100% knew I was headed in the right direction again. What a fantastic feeling that is!
I originally started History Preserved to help myself and others better connect to the past which has been a passion of mine since I was a teenager. And that goal hasn’t changed one bit.
I do hope you continue to join me as I move forward exploring and learning from the past!